Leveraging Information and Communication Technology for Sales Training: Two Short Cases

Case Details Case Introduction 1 Case Introduction 2


ABSTRACT This is a series of two short cases illustrate the innovative use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in sales training. The first case is about one of the world's leading footwear and apparel companies Nike’s 'Sports Knowledge Underground' (SKU) and the second is about Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals Inc., the US-based pharmaceuticals unit of one of the world's leading pharmaceutical companies, the, Germany-based Bayer AG’s Rep Race. While Nike used an interactive web-based training program which closely resembled a video game, Bayer employed an online data-driven simulation video game sales tool.

IT and Systems Case Studies | Case Study in Management, Operations, Strategies, IT and Systems, Case Studies
IT and Systems Case Studies | Case Study in Management, Operations, Strategies, IT and Systems, Case Studies
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The case is structured to achieve the following teaching objectives:

  • Understand how Information and Communication Technology could be leveraged for sales training
  • Analyze the Nike 'Sports Knowledge Underground' program and how it enabled training of Nike's front-line sales force.
  • Analyze the Rep Race program and it enabled training of Bayer's front-line sales force.
  • To understand the issues and challenges in designing and implementing an e-learning program.
  • To discuss the pros and cons of using an e-learning/ m-learning programs.
  • To discuss how training can be imparted through modes such as video games and over the mobile phone (m-learning) and the viability of this.

Nike 'Sports Knowledge Underground'
Bayes's 'Rep Race - The Battle For Office Supremacy'


Information and communication technology; Communication; E-learning; M-learning; Simulation; Game; Sales force effectiveness; Training; Sales training; Entry behavior; Instructional design; Generation Y; Digital generation; Pre-call planning; Objection handling

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